Results for 'Artur S. D'Avila Garcez'

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  1.  41
    Neural-Symbolic Cognitive Reasoning.Artur S. D'Avila Garcez, Luís C. Lamb & Dov M. Gabbay - 2009 - Berlin and Heidelberg: Springer.
    This book explores why, regarding practical reasoning, humans are sometimes still faster than artificial intelligence systems. It is the first to offer a self-contained presentation of neural network models for many computer science logics.
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  2. Abductive reasoning in neural-symbolic systems.Artur S. D’Avila Garcez, Dov M. Gabbay, Oliver Ray & John Woods - 2007 - Topoi 26 (1):37-49.
    Abduction is or subsumes a process of inference. It entertains possible hypotheses and it chooses hypotheses for further scrutiny. There is a large literature on various aspects of non-symbolic, subconscious abduction. There is also a very active research community working on the symbolic (logical) characterisation of abduction, which typically treats it as a form of hypothetico-deductive reasoning. In this paper we start to bridge the gap between the symbolic and sub-symbolic approaches to abduction. We are interested in benefiting from developments (...)
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    Logical Modes of Attack in Argumentation Networks.Dov M. Gabbay & Artur S. D’Avila Garcez - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (2):199-230.
    This paper studies methodologically robust options for giving logical contents to nodes in abstract argumentation networks. It defines a variety of notions of attack in terms of the logical contents of the nodes in a network. General properties of logics are refined both in the object level and in the metalevel to suit the needs of the application. The network-based system improves upon some of the attempts in the literature to define attacks in terms of defeasible proofs, the so-called rule-based (...)
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    A neural-symbolic perspective on analogy.Rafael V. Borges, Artur S. D'Avila Garcez & Luis C. Lamb - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (4):379-380.
    The target article criticises neural-symbolic systems as inadequate for analogical reasoning and proposes a model of analogy as transformation (i.e., learning). We accept the importance of learning, but we argue that, instead of conflicting, integrated reasoning and learning would model analogy much more adequately. In this new perspective, modern neural-symbolic systems become the natural candidates for modelling analogy.
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    A neural cognitive model of argumentation with application to legal inference and decision making.Artur S. D'Avila Garcez, Dov M. Gabbay & Luis C. Lamb - 2014 - Journal of Applied Logic 12 (2):109-127.
    Formal models of argumentation have been investigated in several areas, from multi-agent systems and artificial intelligence (AI) to decision making, philosophy and law. In artificial intelligence, logic-based models have been the standard for the representation of argumentative reasoning. More recently, the standard logic-based models have been shown equivalent to standard connectionist models. This has created a new line of research where (i) neural networks can be used as a parallel computational model for argumentation and (ii) neural networks can be used (...)
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    Journal of Applied Logic Special Volume on Neural-Symbolic Systems.Artur D'Avila Garcez, Dov M. Gabbay, Steffen Hölldobler & John G. Taylor - 2004 - Journal of Applied Logic 2 (3):241-243.
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    Symbolic knowledge extraction from trained neural networks: A sound approach.A. S. D'Avila Garcez, K. Broda & D. M. Gabbay - 2001 - Artificial Intelligence 125 (1-2):155-207.
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    Logic Tensor Networks.Samy Badreddine, Artur D'Avila Garcez, Luciano Serafini & Michael Spranger - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 303 (C):103649.
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    A semantic framework for neurosymbolic computation.Simon Odense & Artur D'Avila Garcez - 2025 - Artificial Intelligence 340 (C):104273.
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  10. We Will Show Them! Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay.Sergei Artemov, H. Barringer, A. S. D'Avila Garcez, L. C. Lamb & J. Woods (eds.) - 2005 - London, U.K.: College Publications.
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  11. Neural-Symbolic Cognitive Reasoning.Artur D'Avila Garcez, Luis Lamb & Dov Gabbay - 2009 - New York: Springer.
    Humans are often extraordinary at performing practical reasoning. There are cases where the human computer, slow as it is, is faster than any artificial intelligence system. Are we faster because of the way we perceive knowledge as opposed to the way we represent it? -/- The authors address this question by presenting neural network models that integrate the two most fundamental phenomena of cognition: our ability to learn from experience, and our ability to reason from what has been learned. This (...)
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    Reasoning in Non-probabilistic Uncertainty: Logic Programming and Neural-Symbolic Computing as Examples.Tarek R. Besold, Artur D’Avila Garcez, Keith Stenning, Leendert van der Torre & Michiel van Lambalgen - 2017 - Minds and Machines 27 (1):37-77.
    This article aims to achieve two goals: to show that probability is not the only way of dealing with uncertainty ; and to provide evidence that logic-based methods can well support reasoning with uncertainty. For the latter claim, two paradigmatic examples are presented: logic programming with Kleene semantics for modelling reasoning from information in a discourse, to an interpretation of the state of affairs of the intended model, and a neural-symbolic implementation of input/output logic for dealing with uncertainty in dynamic (...)
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    (1 other version)""Quine's" Two Dogmas" as a Criticism of Logical Empiricism.Artur Koterski - 2012 - Filozofia Nauki 20 (1):45 - +.
    Dans les « Deux dogmes», Quine voulait démontrer que le positivisme logique n’était possible qu’en raison d’hypothèses injustifiées. L’intention de Quine était de montrer qu’il n’est possible de sauver l’empirisme que si l’on accepte une autre approche, holistique. Toutefois, l’article de Quine était anachronique dès le moment de sa publication. Le but de cet article est double. Tout d’abord, on esquissera l’argument de Quine et on le confrontera aux positions de Carnap et Dubislav. On montrera que la critique de Quine (...)
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    Research ethics review at University Eduardo Mondlane /Maputo Central Hospital, Mozambique : a descriptive analysis of the start-up of a new research ethics committee.Jahit Sacarlal, Vasco Muchanga, Carlos Mabutana, Matilde Mabui, Arlete Mariamo, Assa Júlio Cuamba, Leida Artur Fumo, Jacinta Silveira, Elizabeth Heitman & Troy D. Moon - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):37.
    Mozambique has seen remarkable growth in biomedical research over the last decade. To meet a growing need, the National Committee for Bioethics in Health of Mozambique encouraged the development of ethical review processes at institutions that regularly conduct medical and social science research. In 2012, the Faculty of Medicine of University Eduardo Mondlane and the Maputo Central Hospital established a joint Institutional Committee on Bioethics for Health. This study examines the experience of the first 4 years of the CIBS FM (...)
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  15.  59
    Representation, Empiricism and Triangulation Commentary on conocer sin representar. El realismo epistemológico de Donald Davidson by William Duica.Ignacio Ávila Cañamares - 2016 - Ideas Y Valores 65 (161):315-329.
    En este breve comentario discuto algunos aspectos de la interpretación de la epistemología de Davidson que sugiere Willian Duica en su reciente libro. Luego de una presentación somera del libro me centro en tres asuntos centrales de la interpretación de Duica. En primer lugar, argumento que su lectura de la crítica de Davidson al dualismo esquema/contenido es muy restrictiva y deja abierta la posibilidad de un realismo directo empirista. En segundo lugar, argumento que en su lectura el propio Duica se (...)
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    La mémoire autobiographique demande-t-elle un concept de temps linéaire?Nathália de Avila - 2017 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 77:33-43.
    Dans la philosophie contemporaine, la mémoire n’est plus un instrument qui apprend des évènements de manière passive. Ici, on parlera de la mémoire qu’une personne possède quand elle se souvient de sa propre vie ou d’un moment spécifique. Ce concept, un des plus anciens de la psychologie cognitive, s’appelle mémoire autobiographique. Grâce à cette pertinente interprétation d’un concept plus vivant de mémoire dans la science, la littérature et la philosophie de notre temps, on se demandera si, à travers son activité, (...)
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    Przypadek Beppego Grilla, czyli o (d)ewolucji komunikacji politycznej we Włoszech.Łukasz Jan Berezowski & Artur Gałkowski - 2020 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 58 (3):517-528.
    The article aims at analyzing the case of Beppe Grillo and his Five Stars Movement in terms of social, cultural and linguistic phenomenon that – initially as a virtual party without a structured organization – seems to conquer both right-wing and left-wing Italian citizens notwithstanding generational and ideological differences. The success of grillini in the parliamentary election of 2018 as a consequence of Matteo Renzi’s constitutional referendum failure, represents a clear sign of the leadership crisis as well as the drifting (...)
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    Spain and Islam Once More: Fundamentalism in Sainte Thérèse d’Avila.Carol Mastrangelo Bové - 2018 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 26 (2):69-80.
    Julia Kristeva's Teresa, My Love: An Imagined Life of the Saint of Avila confronts us with the contemporary problem of violent forms of fundamentalism, especially Islamic, as it recreates the life of Saint Theresa. The novel's psychoanalytic perspective engages our emotions and sensations, and is also therapeutic for author and reader. But most of all, it engages our thinking and deals in depth with this compelling, timely issue.
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  19. A "ausência assistida" do poder político na compreensão dos sentidos das ações dos sujeitos sociais na produção do espaço.Nilo Sérgio D'Avila Modesto - 2014 - In Cátia Antônia da Silva, Andrelino Campos & Nilo Sérgio D'Avila Modesto, Por uma geografia das existências: movimentos, ação social e produção do espaço. Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil: Consequência.
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    Book Review: Solitude: A Philosophical Encounter. [REVIEW]Robert D. Cottrell - 1995 - Philosophy and Literature 19 (1):155-156.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Solitude: A Philosophical EncounterRobert D. CottrellSolitude: A Philosophical Encounter, by Philip Koch; xiv & 375 pp. La Salle, Illinois: Open Court, 1994, $39.95 cloth, $17.95 paper.A professor of philosophy at the University of Prince Edward Island (an attractively solitary spot, I should imagine), Philip Koch divides his book into two parts, asking in Part I: what is solitude? and in Part II: what role does solitude play in (...)
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  21. Addendum to “Einstein’s “Zur Electrodynamik...” Revisited, with some Consequences” by S. D. Agashe.S. D. Agashe - 2007 - Foundations of Physics 37 (2):306-309.
  22.  34
    We Will Show Them: Essays in Honour of Dov Gabbay.S. Artemov, H. Barringer, A. Garcez, L. Lamb & J. Woods (eds.) - 2005 - London: College Publications.
    This book provides an invaluable overview of the reach of logic. It provides reference to some of the most important, well-established results in logic, while at the same time offering insight into the latest research issues in the area. It also has a balance of theory and practice, containing essays in the areas of modal logic, intuitionistic logic, logic and language, nonmonotonic logic and logic programming, temporal logic, logic and learning, combination of logics, practical reasoning, logic and artificial intelligence, abduction, (...)
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  23.  39
    A função da angústia na metapsicologia freudiana.Lara Cristina D' Avila Lourenço, Milena de Barros Viana & Danúbia Cristina de Paula - 2011 - Natureza Humana 13 (1):65-83.
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  24. Adorno's senses of critique : gesture, survival, utopia.S. D. Chrostowska - 2021 - In Caren Irr, Adorno's 'Minima Moralia' in the 21st century: fascism, work, and ecology. New York, NY: Bloomsbury Academic.
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    Rejoinder of mr. Seth D. Merton.S. D. Merton - 1904 - The Monist 14 (4):602 - 603.
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  26. Einstein’s “Zur Elektrodynamik...” Revisited, With Some Consequences.S. D. Agashe - 2006 - Foundations of Physics 36 (7):955-1011.
    Einstein, in his “Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper”, gave a physical (operational) meaning to “time” of a remote event in describing “motion” by introducing the concept of “synchronous stationary clocks located at different places”. But with regard to “place” in describing motion, he assumed without analysis the concept of a system of co-ordinates.In the present paper, we propose a way of giving physical (operational) meaning to the concepts of “place” and “co-ordinate system”, and show how the observer can define both the (...)
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    Rudyard Kipling's India.D. M. S., K. Bhaskara Rao & Rudyard Kipling - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):382.
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    Attitudes of research ethics board chairs towards disclosure of research results to participants: results of a national survey.S. D. MacNeil & C. V. Fernandez - 2007 - Journal of Medical Ethics 33 (9):549-553.
    Background: The offer of aggregate study results to research participants following study completion is increasingly accepted as a means of demonstrating greater respect for participants. The attitudes of research ethics board chairs towards this practice, although integral to policy development, are unknown.Objectives: To determine the attitudes of REB chairs and the practices of REBs with respect to disclosure of results to research participants.Design: A postal questionnaire was distributed to the chairs of English-language university-based REBs in Canada. In total, 88 REB (...)
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    Length of the Day in Jaina Astronomy.S. D. Sharma & S. S. Lishk - 1979 - Centaurus 22 (3):165-176.
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    To take a second look at Malachi the book.S. D. Snyman - 2015 - HTS Theological Studies 71 (3).
    An investigation into some of the literary features of the book of Malachi reveals that each unit is structured in a twofold way. The macrostructure of the book also shows that the book can be divided into two parts. The results of this investigation strengthens the recent trend in the research of Malachi that it is unlikely that the book underwent an extensive redactional process over a period of time and that it is rather more likely that the book was (...)
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    The Spirit of Judaism.Josephine Lazarus.S. D. McConnell - 1896 - International Journal of Ethics 6 (4):530-531.
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    South Asian History 1750-1950: A Guide to Periodicals, Dissertations and Newspapers.D. E. S. & Margaret H. Case - 1968 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 88 (2):394.
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    Socio-Religious, Economic and Literary Condition of Bihar.D. M. S. & Bhagwati Sharan Verma - 1964 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 84 (2):208.
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  34. Improving the student experience: Allowing students enrolled in a required course to select online or face-to-face instruction.S. D. Steiner & M. R. Hyman - 2010 - Marketing Education Review 20 (1):29--34.
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  35. K novym osnovam fiziki: (kak otkazatʹsi︠a︡ ot atomnoĭ ėnergetiki): statʹi i vystuplenii︠a︡.S. D. Brusin - 1997 - Moskva: L. Brusin. Edited by L. D. Brusin.
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  36. The Legacy of William James.S. D. Ivie - 2006 - Journal of Thought 41 (4):117.
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  37. Effects of orthographic neighborhood-structure on lexical access.S. D. Lima & La Huntsman - 1989 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 27 (6):521-521.
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  38. Friedrich Nietzsche: Untimely Mediations. Edited by Daniel Breazeale.S. D. Martinson - 1998 - The European Legacy 3:142-143.
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    On the Date of Eupolis’ Demes and the Political Events of 412 bc.S. D. Olson - 2017 - Polis 34 (2):422-431.
    Eupolis’ fragmentary Demes has traditionally been placed in 412 bc, after the failure of the Sicilian Expedition but before the oligarchic coup of 411. Ian Storey has recently argued that the play belongs instead in 417 or perhaps 416 bc, while Mario Telò and Leone Porciani put it in 410 bc. This article demonstrates that both alternative dates face decisive objections, and suggests that Demes is better kept in 412 bc. I then briefly consider the role of late 5th-century Athenian (...)
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  40. Pausing to Listen: The Philosophical Unassertiveness of America.S. D. Baris - 1996 - Common Knowledge 5:42-50.
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    Vis-à-vis the glaneuse.S. D. Chrostowska - 2007 - Angelaki 12 (2):119 – 133.
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  42. Contagion. Sexuality, Disease and Death in German Idealism and Romanticism. By David Farrell Krell.S. D. Martinson - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (2):315-316.
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  43. Priroda iskusstva: o nekotorykh storonakh khudozhestvennogo tvorchestva.S. D. Bezklubenko - 1982 - Moskva: Izd-vo polit. lit-ry.
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  44. From teachers to testers: Parents' role in child expertise development in informal settings.S. D. Palmquist & K. Crowley - 2007 - Science Education 91 (5):712-732.
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  45. Moral Relativism and Moral Objectivity-Gilbert Harman and Judith Jarvis Thomson.S. D. Schwarz - 1997 - International Philosophical Quarterly 37:112-114.
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  46. Experts in ethics-Reply.S. D. Yoder - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (5):4-5.
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    The effect of voluntary leg activity upon the knee-jerk; further experiment.S. D. Cann - 1939 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 25 (1):18.
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  48. Creating a Values-Driven Organization.S. D. Conte, M. R. Hyman & D. M. Astolfi - forthcoming - Rights, Relationships, and Responsibilities:295--316.
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  49. Reason or Revelation? Locke on the Ground of Religion.S. D. Roy - 2002 - Indian Philosophical Quarterly 29 (1):17-28.
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    Origin and Development of Dattātreya Worship in IndiaOrigin and Development of Dattatreya Worship in India.D. M. S. & Hariprasad Shivprasad Joshi - 1966 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 86 (2):264.
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